About Me
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
What it Means to Bloom
About My Blog
First and foremost, I would like to say Thank You for visiting my blogging website. Now let's get straight to it, shall we! The name of my blog, as you can see is called "Blooming with Azalea". It is an opinionated guide that focuses on different topics that I believe can help others in their personal lives. I want to use my platform as a way to encourage and to uplift persons who may be feeling down, insecure or just in search of a good read. I know you may be asking, "What makes your blog different from others?" The answer.... is quite simple! I am a very expressive person; thus, I feel like I need to let my voice be heard! So that’s what this blog is for. To speak about everything and anything. I do not have one niche I want to focus on, but rather a collection of opinions that I want to share with you, my viewers. Like things about elevating yourself, self-love, spirituality, mental health, evolving, and much more; you know, the whole secret part of the world no one seems to want to talk about. You'll find that my blog surpasses the status quo of everyday simple topics. You will find no discrimination here. I pledge to always be true for you guys. With that being said, it does not matter if you are young or older, as a famous Bahamian saying says, "Age is nothing but a number,” so everyone should feel welcome.
A Little About Me
So once again, hello everyone!! My name is Odette. I am the creator and founder of BloomingwithAzalea. I am from one of the most beautiful islands in The Bahamas; yes I was born and raised here all my life and am an Ambivert. I enjoy trying to live my "best life" here on earth by helping others who I meet along the way and encourage them to do the same. If I had to choose a few words to describe myself...... I would say I am; determined, passionate, inquisitive, inspiring and very convincing! I enjoy helping others by giving advice, especially to those closest to me with problems (even though I'm oblivious when it comes to my own problems, lol). I’ve been told that I help solve problems with just a simple smile, so I hope I can do the same for you guys. The ability to help others can make a day the was going bad into one that turns beautiful. I love seeing the beauty of everyone and anything. Life is filled with too much beauty to let anything dim its aesthetic appeal. I know I am not perfect and like any other human being, I have problems. However, I try my best to prevent it from consuming me. When things get a little too tough, I just sit back and breath and remember that I am in control of MY LIFE. As it stands, apart from being an ambivert, I am a bit of a "perfectionist". For me, everything has to be done as I envisioned it to be. As I grew older, however, I learned that being a perfectionist became one of my biggest weaknesses, but hey, I'm working on that and I will help you work on it too, Together! Besides that, I enjoy being around persons who have good vibes, a positive spirit and those who want to make a positive impact in life and having a great time. Whether it's staying at home and watching a movie or being in a small setting with a small group and making jokes or just reminiscing about the beauty of what life is.
My Story
*scratches head *. Well, I'll be honest, at one point in time, I felt like everything in my world was literally crumbling down. Things were not working out and it felt like every path I chose led to a lock, that seem to open for everyone, but me. It really started to take a toll on me. Judgment started to creep and so much people began to criticize me. Then depression slowly started to suffocate me. It felt like I couldn’t breathe anymore. I became angry, sad and lonely, anything you could think of, I became it! I needed a way out! There was a time when listening to music would have calmed me down and today it still does, most times. But it didn’t it didn't give me the freedom from my depression that I needed. Writing did that! Writing saved me! Reading and analyzing poetry saved me! So, I started writing a public journal about different topics. This helped me to stand in front of the depression, the anger and sadness by giving me a way to escape; a way for me to release how I felt without really telling people what was going on. I began posting them daily and surprisingly persons started to comment and share my little scribblings, but they weren't just scribblings any more, my words were like food to a starving man. My words were helping and encouraging people. It got to a point where people I didn’t know began asking me for advice. Honestly, I never saw myself as a writer or "blogger" per say, but God has a strange way of putting you on paths that you are meant to be on. I am extremely thankful for this journey I am on and I pray that it keeps moving forward through God. Who knows what other doors may open up in future!!
What's Next!!!!
Now that you all know the inside scoop of my life and who I am as a person, about my blog and my story you can...wait for it …CLICK ON A LINK OR TAB!! Why are you waiting for the grass to grow? Go on! click a tab and read a blog. Let me know how you feel, also you can head over to my YouTube channel & like, comment and subscribe!!!