When Leaves Fall, Obedience Blooms
Obedience to God is a journey that will stretch you, but it’s also one that will bless you beyond what you could ask or imagine.
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Obedience to God is a journey that will stretch you, but it’s also one that will bless you beyond what you could ask or imagine.
Read MoreDuring this vibrant season of spring, let us not only embrace the opportunities for growth and renewal but also exercise our faith with expectation for answered prayers. Let's spring forth into action,
Read Moreremember, pruning is like backstage prep for where you're headed in the next season. Seriously, who wants to drag along toxic baggage into a fresh, positive chapter?
Read MoreIn the winter season, we are familiar with the chill in the air, shorter days, and longer nights. Everything seems to come to a standstill during this time…What if I shared that during this winter season and the upcoming season within it, it's not just about meditating and isolating, but also about initiating a form of pruning in your life?
Read MoreShut up and be silent. Nobody needs to know what's going on with you and what moves you are making. Keep them guessing
Read MoreSeasonal Growth is a constant cycle in life; it never stops. Some seasons last longer than others, but it’s about how you handle them.
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