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Journal Entry's

My Journey to Becoming Whole


I think the most hurtful part of my healing journey was justifying my attitude towards certain things because of past hurts. Again, pride played a serious part and denying my true feelings.

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Journal Entry # 3 : Raw & Unfiltered


Now that I think of it – What if God had to shake things up, swirl me around like a hurricane, and re-route me? What if what I "think" I want is not what I want? What if I did miss a step, so now He has to…you know? Maybe I didn't skip a step, and this is His way of Realigning, Readjusting, Rejuvenating, Regenerating, and Reviving me.

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Journal Entry # 1: Raw & Unfiltered


It gets tricky trying to inspire, help, and motivate you Bloomers when I am going through my own trials….When I'm struggling, I remember having to go through these challenges to help and understand you better. So, when I have moments like these, I can relate to you.

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