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Surviving Covid-19

Azaleas Blog


Surviving Covid-19


DisclaimerThis is my personal journey/experience. Please be respectful & note I am not looking for sympathy. I am simply letting you all in on a very emotional and personal experience.

Yes. I admit…I did have COVID. Well by the time I publish this, I would have had COVID. I write this now I'm still suffering. Lord help me!!!! 

Sooooo….like I said, I have/had COVID & let me just say this thing sucks! I am exhausted because this virus honestly takes a toll on the body. Many people love to speak about the physical aspect of COVID because it is bad. But the mental part of COVID is a real mind game and not for the weak. Some days I feel like pulling my hair out, days of crying because I am frustrated and of course, those days of just feeling numb. 

Just a mini background check: I felt fine for weeks until I realized I could’ve been possibly exposed to COVID I had no symptoms but, I decided to get tested. I took both the rapid antigen & PCR test…here Is when it gets annoying. The doctor called me and, they basically said it's better I go home but, we want you to come back and take the PCR and, I just said, “okay”. They also mentioned that I am A-Symptomatic (meaning I show little to no symptoms) I took the PCR and went home and had to wait 24 hours for those results. In the meantime, I contacted a doctor/pharmacist who gave me medication to begin taking just to be on the safe side. Even if I was negative I’m sure the protocol is to quarantine for 14 days. So here I was 24 hours past time to check my results; BOOM!!! My results are positive. I was vexed!!!! Then literally 15 minutes after receiving my results, my family and I received “THE” phone call that my grandfather passed away due to COVID. So at this point Bloomers, my emotions are all over the damn place. 

Anyway….so currently, this is how I am surviving Covid:

  1. Wake & freshen up

  2. Hydrate

  3. Open up the house to let in fresh air

  4. Steam

  5. Walk outside for 15 minutes & soak up the sun

  6. Sanitize everywhere

  7. Attempt to rest

  8. Eat & take my medication

  9. Steam (again)

  10. Shower & throw on my pajamas

  11. Netflix, music, or write

  12. Pray & BED

This is currently an everyday routine for me. Yes, I do get bored, I have no freedom, I am a prisoner in my own home *giggles all I am missing is an orange jumpsuit literally. As I said earlier, yes, COVID can do some serious damage to the human body. I am sure you guys are wondering if I am currently having symptoms. I am only experiencing a slight cough, was congested, a slight fever, and dehydration. My sense of taste and smell stayed for the most part. At one point, I could only taste or smell sweet things but, my senses came back. Other than that, I just feel tired but that’s for reasons. My symptoms could’ve been way worse but, it wasn’t. However, mentally, this shit is ghetto! 

No, I am not going crazy but, I feel trapped in my own mind. Like this is a mind over matter kind of situation. I literally have to remind myself this is a temporary thing that I will get past. I have to pray because the devil is really trying me right now and I am NOT on his run! There are no words to explain how I feel mentally, the only thing I can describe it as…one big storm cloud with plenty of rain and lots of thunder. I am just sitting here currently waiting for the storm to pass so I can see the sun & rainbow. All I can do is tell you if you know someone with COVID make sure you check on them consistently if it’s not the virus itself, it's definitely the mental aspect of it. Persons who I thought would be there for me when I needed them most were not. Usually, I don’t really “need” but you know what I mean. It did, however, open my eyes to certain realizations… We will save that for another post.

My COVID experience may not be the worst. Then again, other things have transpired during this journey that I will NOT speak on out of respect for myself but my family. Although I am not the only one in my household with the virus (we didn’t get exposed the same way based on the timeline). I thank God I did not have to be hospitalized or anything & I pray for those who unfortunately had to be. I can only imagine how they feel. Because if I feel like this, I can only imagine those people. I didn’t write this for sympathy this is an open platform where as well as encouraging you Bloomers, I also speak my truth. This is one of them. I continue to pray for myself & ask God for peace of mind and get over this sickness as the days go by. I just pray to make it out of this cause Lord knows this is a battle & a fixed fight. 

Be Safe Bloomers,

Love Azalea