Seasonal Growth
“Seasonal Growth is a constant cycle in life; it never stops. Some seasons last longer than others, but it’s about how you handle them.”
Hello Bloomers, I hope you are all doing well and having a great day. I hope you aren’t choosing violence (per usual). As you can see, I want to speak about “Seasonal Growth.” I know sometimes you may wonder why every time a new season comes along, I would make it known on my platform and create content based on it. “Seasonal Growth” is a series I’ve created based on the different seasons. So, let’s get into it.
Seasonal Growth. We go through different seasons in life, and we go through them for a reason. The season for a reason! (Teehee…get it…see what I did there). The seasons are just like the ones in nature: Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall. Each season is significant for its own purpose, but one thing they all have in common; their job is to build character, mold & shape you, be intentional, gain wisdom, etc. For every season, something is to be learned, whether you recognize it or not. If you live life by the seasons as I have and you take notes, you will notice them.
Different seasons require an additional call to action. Obvious reasons because no season is the same, maybe similar traits, but never the same. For example, Fall & Winter = are more on the darker side of the spectrum but in the most beautiful way. Spring & Summer = are more on the brighter side of the spectrum but the most Blissful of them all. You can experience 2 seasons all at once…weird, right? But it’s true. In simple words: on one hand, everything can be going as it should in your life, basking in goodness but on the other, things can be transitioning where you are starting to feel alone or something “may” be missing. Seasons don’t have time. When I say that, I mean there’s no limit on how long or short it will last. It can vary. Some seasons can overlap with others. It can last months, weeks, or years, good or bad.
You can’t pray nor fast yourself out of season, but you can pray and fast through it, asking God to lead & guide you on the journey. As it says in Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time and season for everything. Therefore the first step is to Identify & acknowledge the season you are in. Understand why you are in that season because you have a reason for being there. It’s NEVER to harm you because I genuinely believe for each season, there is a blessing and/or a lesson hidden there.
All seasons have highs and lows but marinate in them; it’s only preparing you for something GREATER in this life. Love them or hate them; it’s going to happen. Just as we love the seasons in nature, we learn to appreciate the seasons of the life cycle. It’s just as beautiful. Seasonal Growth = Growth, Maturity, Wisdom, Lessons & Blessings. Don’t Choose violence, and of course…