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Season of Transformational Shift


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

Season of Transformational Shift


Happy New Year, my lovely "thorns & roses" (Bloomers). How are you doing? Are you alive & surviving? Have you chosen violence since the new year rolled in? I really hope not. It is finally 2023 & God knows I pray this year is better for all of us. We've been tested, gone through trials and tribulations, and some suffered some form of "depression" I know it's a strong word, but it's the truth. And overall, most of us had lessons learned. The good thing is some form of wisdom was gained from it. Last year, I was in a season of "Shift & Healing" – I was doing my best to move on from situations, hurt & pain, amongst other things and rekindle my relationship with God. As I like to say, I am not perfect, nor do I pretend to be. I am still trying to get my life together, and I am not ashamed to say it. This life did not come with rules except the ones in the Bible. Can you guys guess what this year will be about?

Shift & Transformation. YES, LORD! Some of you are like, "What's the difference?". The difference is last year, "Shift & Healing" was me trying to move in the direction of trying to recover from old and new wounds. Being able to recognize and not throw my personal feelings to the side. Because though that was gaining me peace on the outside, it was not giving me peace internally. I lost myself to some degree and got caught up. Made me vulnerable to the wrong people, I became more defensive, I started to lack communication, and I wasn't 100% sure how to fully open up. I needed to heal from plenty shit & honestly, I'm still healing but can't get too stuck. Things I didn't think I deserved, situations that made me realize the real uncircumcised philistines be right under your damn nose, etc. The best part is that I had a few breakthroughs during all that and some lessons. But we will save that for another time! 

This year, "Shift & Transformation" will be me (IN THE NAME OF JESUS) doing my best to be intentional about what I am doing during this time. Many personal things I want to work on & accomplish, as well as not changing who I am but evolving even more. Let go of old ways, patterns, and habits that no longer serve me. It won't be easy, but I at least have to try. Learning to have less self-doubt and understand that the more I doubt and lack faith, the more stagnant and paralyzed I will become. Significantly when God drops something in my spirit, I don't see a way out of no way. Total transparency here – I know the potential that I have. Still, Lord knows I intimidate myself when I think about it. Sometimes I scare myself, but time to get out of that now & stop "slapping up ." I think it's time for me to transform into something bigger & brighter. I need 2023 to be graceful and merciful, sit quietly, behave and act decent! It will not be like 2022.

I had a few "Eve" moments. I knew better but didn't do better, and it kicked me in the ass because I was feeding my flesh. My backside should have listened anyway…might do a storytime. The point is tremendous lessons learned, and wisdom gained. I am thankful to bring them along with me on this journey. I want to move from where I am but in due time. In the words of Pastor Keion, "Sometimes your deliverance is in the direction of your irritation."

In the end, solitude will be my best friend, not announcing my plans before it's time. I have to be INTENTIONAL with this shift and transformation. I will continue to evolve into the woman I want to be. I am living life by the seasons; I will grow through and learn to adapt…as my favorite bible verse says in Ecclesiastes, "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens."

Boy, I was one of God's strongest soldiers this past year… I humbly am not interested this year. Canceling enemy's plans this year, every plot, strategy, and blueprint. Yes, I am binding spirits as well. Have a GREAT & BLESSED DAY. Don't choose violence; stay alive and surviving and, of course….