A Change is Gonna Come
"This post is inspired by Sam Cooke's words: 'It's been a long time, a long time comin', but I know a change is gonna come.'"
I've cherished this song since my childhood, especially because my dad constantly played this genre of music around me and my older sister. Back then, I was much younger and didn't fully grasp the meaning of the song in my own way. However, last year, I stumbled upon the song while reading a book that quoted different parts of it. Naturally, being myself, I started singing along. To cut a long story short, I downloaded it and became re-obsessed with the song. From the end of last year up to the present moment, I find myself continually singing this song. Whether it's quietly humming it in my head, singing it with spirit, or blasting it in my car like there's no tomorrow, it's become a constant soundtrack in my life.
For me it’s more than just a song – but a personal reminder and anthem that change is on the horizon & God is working everything out just how it’s meant to be. I haven't shied away from acknowledging that my life isn't perfect. While I might mention things here and there, I tend not to delve into full detail. One thing I won't conceal is that the past few years haven't been the easiest for me personally. No, I don't discuss it often because there are reasons I prefer not to express. One thing I will admit, though, is that sometimes I question the purpose of living. Is it just to work tirelessly, pay bills, witness my family being torn apart, struggle to maintain positivity, and pray that I don't endure the same hardships as others in my family? Is it about constantly striving to make something out of myself amidst feelings of inadequacy no matter what I achieve? These thoughts often weigh heavily on my mind. That’s just the tip of the ice burg – so yeah at times it does feel like it’s too hard living; and “once upon a time” dark thoughts USE to creep in but I’m afraid to do that plus I don’t want to be cast into hell so there’s that. Regardless of how I felt during those past few years, there was always a voice in my head and a feeling in my heart that no matter what, things would eventually get better. It simply had to. That belief kept me going through the toughest times.
Looking back now, I realize that it could only have been God who kept me going and gave me the strength to keep pressing on. His presence and guidance were undoubtedly the driving force behind my resilience. There were many times I didn’t think I would even make it, but I did. Even recently coming towards the end of 2023 – GOD KNOWS I WAS READY TO THROW IN THE TOWEL but when you hide in that secret place of Psalms 91 and you tell God to give you peace amid your storm…Selah so let it be. I carried on smartly. I share this with you, Bloomers because I know many of you are hurting, struggling, and feeling overwhelmed by depression. You're trying to figure out what's going to happen next or if there will ever be any light in your circumstances. I am here to tell you, yes, there will be light. Yes, things are going to get better, even though you may not be able to see it right now. And most importantly, change is going to come.
It's ultimately up to you to decide whether you'll keep focusing on the negative or at least "try" to find some positivity or glimpse a silver lining. I understand that some circumstances may seem impossible and that negativity can dominate, regardless of your efforts to control the outcome. But with God, nothing is impossible. Do you know the kind of God you serve? He's the same God who parted the seas for Moses, who kept Daniel safe in the den with the lions, and who helped David conquer Goliath. Exactly. It's the same God who helped you find the money to pay off that electricity bill, who comforted you and healed you after that painful break-up, who provided for you when there was no food on the table for your family, and who ensured you could finish university or college without having to owe anyone. Reflect on those moments and remember His faithfulness in your life – even when you weren’t praying to Him.
The road may indeed seem endless, filled with bumps and potholes that make the journey feel like a never-ending struggle. It's natural to feel like you're not going to make it, to grapple with "deadly" thoughts, shed tears every day and night (trust me, I have my moments too), and even question or curse God, wondering why things are so difficult. But, can I tell you something? Please? It’s going to be alright. You’re okay babes! Because in the words of Mr. Cooke
“It’s been a long, A long time coming, but I know, A change gon’ come, Oh yes, it will”