Turning the Page
Have you ever stood at a crossroads, yearning for a fresh start? The past year threw me curveballs, taught me brutal lessons, and left me craving a new chapter. I stumbled, yes, but emerged stronger, my perspective shifted, and my goals burned brighter. This isn't just a blog; it's my roadmap to embracing the "new me," built on faith, purpose, and relentless pursuit of dreams. Join me as we leave baggage behind and paint a future bathed in possibility.
Listen. It's time to turn the page once and for all. Leave behind the old ways and the past methods. The past years have been filled with valuable lessons—yes, you may have lost, but you've gained as well. Release the rope on past mistakes and what might be considered "ungodly" paths. Your growth has been significant, so fully embrace this newfound attitude and mindset. The person you are now is different, so safeguard that transformation. Let go of what's behind you, and concentrate on the present and your future. Keep your focus on the goals you've set for yourself and, above all, direct your attention towards God. Remember, through God, all things are possible. (Ephesians 4:22-24, Philippians 3:13-14, Isaiah 43:18-19).
Change is on the horizon this time around, and it all starts with you. It hinges on your attitude and mindset, deeply rooted in the core of your being and the transformative shift that has taken place within you. While contemplating what can and will be may seem daunting, you can't afford to dwell on yesterday, last year, or years ago. Instead, focus on the lessons learned and keep moving forward. This time, the old ways won't suffice; a new approach is imperative. Embrace a different method and chart a new course. If you seek different results, you must explore alternative solutions. Leave behind the former things, for a fresh way of doing things is on the way.
Have you found healing? Have you extended forgiveness to your enemies? Are you approaching this time with confidence in yourself? Have you forgiven yourself? Can you acknowledge that, regardless of what unfolds, God holds you in the hollow of His hands? These are the questions you need to pose to yourself as you flip the page in your book. Why? It's a self-check. A gentle nudge to reassure yourself that as you forge ahead, nothing will shake you. The memories may linger, and doubts might surface, but deep within, you must recognize that against all odds, nothing can hinder you. I recently encountered an unexpected situation where the past beckoned me. It led me to engage in deep reflection and, of course, question myself – Do I wish to revisit the past? Or should I forego this opportunity and take the risk?
Eventually, I received my answer, and it became evident what decision I needed to make. Initially, I wasn't overly thrilled about it. The past kept occupying my thoughts – how things unfolded, how I was treated, and my responses to certain circumstances. Then, God communicated with me. He emphasized that things wouldn't be the same, I am not the person I used to be, and He is orchestrating a new chapter for me. He encouraged me to let go of the past, reassuring me not to be afraid because He will bring about something new in my life. And the same goes for you my fellow Bloomer. Don’t worry about what happened before. If it's coming back to you - know that’s it coming back for a “good” reason this time. I’ll leave you with this:
Remove the hardness from your heart. Stand still and let go; distance yourself, including the negativity. Safeguard your ear gates; prioritize getting yourself together. Practice keeping things private. Accept circumstances as they are, stay in your lane, and protect your peace. This time around, things will be different for you. If God is on your side, then who can stand against you? Not a single soul!