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Are You Ready for 2020?

Azaleas Blog


Are You Ready for 2020?


Well, Bloomers, would you look at that. Only a few more days and it will be a brand new year and a brand new decade. It feels unbelievable! Like did anyone else think they would live to see 2020? Does anyone feel mentally prepared for it? Like, am I the only one feeling a panic!!!! *breathes in and out *

Okay, I’m calm… I had a moment. Like I said in my previous post, “Chillin’ till Winter,”; there are a few changes that are still happening, but the plans and goals I have are more exciting. On the personal side of things, I plan to rest myself as much as I can, practice patience, work on my attitude, and focus on being more positive. With this upcoming year, I know there going to be some serious challenges and some scary roller coaster rides. I am not exactly excited about that in particular, but this past decade and year has prepared me well enough, I think.

The goals I’ve set for myself like I said I am excited about them but, I am also nervous. I tend to let the fear of failure consume me, and then I never accomplish the goal. Which kind of sucks but this year is going to be different...I REFUSE TO LET THAT HAPPEN. It won’t be easy achieving them, but I am quite capable of doing so. This past year has taught me a lot, and 2019 basically said to me, “but did you die, though?” Honestly, I thought I would, but thank God I didn’t.

There will be a lot of sacrifices made and plenty of detoxing in my environment. I don’t want the negative vibes, people, relationships, etc. I want moral support, love, happiness, and, most importantly, persons who will help keep me going forward and hold me responsible. I wouldn’t say I like being called out, but what the heck I need that sometimes.

Bloomers? Are you ready? Are you prepared for the changes that are coming this upcoming year and decade? Are you willing to meditate and accept the new goals you’ve set for yourself? Are you ready to get out of that financial debt you are in? Are you prepared to get the hell out of those toxic relationships? Are you prepared to stop procrastinating and challenge yourself to become a better you? Are you prepared to do whatever the hell it takes to get out of the deep black hole you feel stuck in? I refuse to let you Bloomers feel defeated in 2020. We just ain’t doing it no more. I sure ain’t doing it no more. Yes, I just used my Bahamian dialect. *giggles *

Bloomers, I am encouraging you not to give up this upcoming year. Be selfish if you have to. Take time for yourself if you need to. Self-care and self-love all 2020!!

Are you ready yet?
