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Chapter 12: The Last Call

Azaleas Blog


Chapter 12: The Last Call


Well Bloomers…This is the final month of the year. That came quickly, don't you think? Not to mention, we will be ending this decade and starting a new one in January. It is a scary feeling, knowing that we lived to see a new decade come into place.

Bloomers it's December, which means Christmas shopping has begun, Michael Buble and Luther Vandross albums are on repeat, and the decorations are shining bright. The hot chocolate and marshmallows should be filling your tummies 24/7 while watching the Hallmark Channel. You get where I'm going with this, right? Great! Moving on. December is the month of joy, happiness, and to finish what you started. It's the last month to complete all the goals you had created at the beginning of the year. December is the month to hold off on stress and just breathe a little. It's the month to celebrate making it to the end of the year alive despite whatever issue you have. It's a time to make amends and tie loose ends and hope your wishes come true.

This is the last call to end things, especially the negative and let it all be water under the bridge. I know I have a few things to let go of and let it be so. I'm not perfect, and I tend to hold things in, but not this time, and I encourage you all to do the same. I'm letting all GO. Now is not the time to have any holiday blues. I understand that there are many of us fighting to survive and struggling to keep afloat, but please find a little silver lining. December is not just about the gifts you may or may not receive Christmas day, nor is it about getting that special kiss under the mistletoe…even though I sure as hell would LOVE that. Instead, it's about enjoying quality time with the ones you love and getting drunk or tipsy. *giggles * It's the last call to get your shit together like seriously and get ready for the New Year!!!

Bloomers, I promised myself I would not keep you long because I tend to do that a lot. I just have a few more things to say. This post is only the intro to future posts I have planned for this month, and I am super excited. "The Last Call" is now. I am encouraging all of you to make this last month of the year and decade worth it. Get rid of the holiday blues and bring in the holiday joy.

Let's get started!!!


