Are You Thankful this Thanksgiving? Thankfully it's Fall!
Bloomers!!!! How are you on this Thanksgiving Thursday? I will only hope you are doing well, and if you are not, then... I hope ham & turkey makes you feel better. Now for you Bloomers, there may be some of you who celebrate Thanksgiving Day and some of you that don’t. I don’t really celebrate it, but sometimes it is nice to be around those that do. Despite that, I figured why not use this day to at least be Thankful for all the things you have accomplished and currently have in your personal possession. Yes, I know… you should be thankful every day for what you have, but take this day to indeed be appreciative and grateful. Besides, Thanksgiving Day should more than just about the food you eat.
Just about every day we complain about something, whether it’s: our job, a friend, family, or as of recent for me my car. There is always something that just affects every nerve in our body and makes us want to lose it. As much as we complain about these things, aren’t you grateful you have a job that pays the bills, a friend you can talk to and make you laugh? A family member who cares for you or a car that can get you from destination A to B. Please don’t tell me “No” because I am sure you are grateful for one of those things. Honestly, this year has been very challenging for me in different aspects of my life despite it being the Fall Season where changes are occurring. This year was rather harsh. I am sure 2020 will bring about even more challenges, so I better get mentally prepared, right?
Despite the negative and positive, I have experienced, I still find myself being thankful for everything. Maybe a few years back, I wouldn’t even care and possibly have a shitty attitude about everything. Still, if it weren’t for the negative and positive, I wouldn’t be who I have grown to be currently. I am still growing and learning, especially with trial and error. Anyway… enough about me *giggles * I promised I wouldn’t make this a whole entire speech.
Bloomers! Bloomers! Bloomers! I cannot stress this enough. If you are not thankful on any other day, even if you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, let today be the day you reflect on all things you have that you can be thankful for. No matter how big or small. Tell someone “Thank You” for whatever it is you want to tell them that for. I know I plan to tell a few persons “Thank you” because… well… I can be a lot to handle (not all the time). LISTEN! If you don’t know what to be thankful for, let me help you out and Bloom some inspiration into your head.
A roof over your head & warm home
Clothes on your back & Shoes on your feet
The job that you do have, even if it’s not your dream job.
You can enjoy the small and free pleasures of life
Friends & Family
Your Health
The setbacks that have helped you become stronger and more confident
The Gift of Life
An opportunity to receive an education (not many persons can have this nowadays)
Please note Bloomers this list isn’t in any type of order, I wrote what came to mind first.
Some of you may be wondering, “What is Azalea Thankful for today?” and some of you don’t really care, but I will still answer. One thing I am thankful for and will always be grateful for is the gift of life; because you never know when death will come knocking at your door, and I am just happy to still be here. I guess my purpose here on earth has not been fulfilled yet. To even be alive to see this day is an understatement, but nonetheless, I am grateful. Plus, that means I get to continue writing and allowing you all to read it. This reminds me, I am also thankful for my family, friends, and for you, Bloomers. I am super Thankful for you all; with all the support and love you continue to give me, I have to say THANK YOU!!!!! Bloomers. That’s all for today, go and enjoy your Ham & Turkey.
“He who thanks but with the lips, thanks but in part. The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart.”