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Golden Words for 2020

Azaleas Blog


Golden Words for 2020


Hey Bloomers!! Since the hype of the New Year is officially over, I figured it’s time to get back into reality. I mean come on we’ve celebrated 2020 long enough now it’s time to focus on these unique 4 words for the year. Let’s get to it, shall we? I promise I will try not to ramble too much *giggles *

In my previous post, “Year 2020: Now What?” I mentioned four specific words to you, and they were: knowledge, creativity, passion, and resourcefulness. I also explained why these words are so essential for us to remember this year as well. These 4 words actually work together hand in hand to become successful in your very own way. Not to mention if you use these in the right way, do you know how powerful you are!! So lets’ get into some detail of these words and go from there.

1.     Knowledge - they say that “knowledge is power.” Knowledge is always gathering information on something, it has nothing to do with being smart or not. It’s as simple as looking up information about something you are curious about. Then after learning and taking in all that info… you have become more knowledgeable. It’s almost like being “self-taught.”  Do you think that without knowledge, one cannot be successful in life? You can leave your answer in the comments. To grow in your life and career, gaining as much knowledge as possible is essential. It’s also important in forming our personalities and perfecting our actions/behaviors in dealing with the people around us. Based on experience, the more knowledgeable you are, the more advantage you have over other persons. Even better, you are more prepared to manage yourself and the environment around you. That means life can be a whole lot easier. So please put your knowledge to good use Bloomers!  

2.     Creativity – this isn’t the kind that means making something, rather, the root meaning of the word, which means “to grow.” Creativity is another golden word chosen because it will help you navigate through challenging times. It helps with solving problems. What do I mean by that? It means that when you become stuck in a jam, you can create innovative ideas to get out of that jam, not to mention you can get out of it from different angles. Creativity helps with developing confidence within yourself and your work. You have to be willing to try different things and risk it all, whether it’s putting out your first book, solo song, etc. Failure is a part of the creative process, so even if that first book or solo song doesn’t get a “hit” at least, your creativity helped you boost your confidence. Another thing creativity does is help with expressing yourself, your inner thoughts, and feelings to the world positively and pleasingly. Depending on how you do that, you can make money from it. Lastly, creativity reassures us that whatever the situation is we are in, we have the whole world to explore. It’s a trait that only oneself can explore and express for our own benefits.

3.     Passion – this one is quite simple. Happiness. If you are happy about something, and, you love doing that, it turns into you being passionate about it. Not only does passion bring joy but also a vicarious pleasure to persons looking from the outside. Passion gives us a “drive” to keep on going, growing, and learning things until you master it. It gives us purpose. One thing passion does for us is when we are down, and under the weather, it can be our refuge and escape.

4.     Resourcefulness “the ability to use creativity, intelligence, courage, determination, and other attributes, to overcome obstacles using what you have inside.” Use what you have and ask those who know to help you. Those are the only tools you need to get you started in your success.

That was a lot of explaining *sips tea * I hope you Bloomers have a better understanding of my “Golden Words.” Knowledge, creativity, passion, and resourcefulness are like I said before and will say again essential for us this year 2020. You can’t have one without the other. Let me say this,

You don’t have to be book smart to be successful
— Azalea

And if you are, that’s great for you. That means you have a good basic foundation. Remember guys, nothing wrong with being either-or book or street smart. If you have the knowledge and the resources, you can execute your plan for 2020. With your creative mind and passionate spirit, you can overcome any obstacle that comes in your way with a positive attitude.

Now that I’ve explained “The Golden Words for 2020,” it’s time for you to meditate on your plan because it’s still winter and get ready to execute them. 2020 is NOT the year to horseplay! We ain’t doing that.

Good Luck, Bloomers!!!
