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Year 2020 : Now What?

Azaleas Blog


Year 2020 : Now What?


Hey Bloomers & welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed the New Years' festivities. Now it's time to kick back into reality. The hype should be over now, and everyone should be sober enough… I am hoping *giggles *

Now that it is 2020, what's next? I've asked you Bloomers over and repeatedly, "Are you ready?" and I would hope all of you said, "Yes." So let's get serious here for a minute; in my previous blog post "Happy New Years," I mentioned a bit of the meaning of 2020. Just for a little recap, I said, "2020 reassures us that we have everything to create the life that we may want. That does not mean you will have all the materialistic things but the blessings of knowledge,creativity, passion, and resourcefulness."Those four words, please take note of them. I will get back to them in short order. It's 2020, that means it is time to put our goals into action, and that also means to stop procrastinating. Stop waiting for someone to hand you the "Golden Ticket" and start making moves for yourself. It will not be easy, but everything comes with trial and error until you get it right.

It is still the winter season, so that means you should still be in meditation mood and hibernation, but that doesn't mean to not do anything at all. This is the time to continue planning out the rest of your 2020 and preparing to take action in what needs to be done to have a successful year. I will say this, though, if you don't take the initiative to START now… prepare to have a repeat of 2019. The Lords knows you all don't want that because I am sure we can all agree and say 2019 kicked some of us really hard in the ass.  It sure did for my family and me, but we kind of survived YAYYYY!!

Bloomers. This is not the year to be blind; this is the year to see in full 20/20 vision, including you all who wear glasses. No, I am not saying stop wearing your glasses, but this is the time to face reality and basically stop pretending not to see red flags. I mean red flags in every aspect of your life, whether it's your job, family and friends, and romantic relationships. We don't need to be blindsided by anything anymore. Once you see the red flag, THROW IT AWAY!!! Just get rid of it altogether. Point blank PERIOD. This is something I try to remind myself often because most times, I see the red flags and ignore them; then BOOM I'm blindsided when something occurs but not this year.

This year I am encouraging everyone to take a leap of faith in whatever it is they desire. You want to model, then go ahead. Do what needs to be done so you can become an official model. Even if it means borrowing a camera and taking practice shots. You want to own your own beauty bar one day then start financially investing towards it every little cent counts. If you are ready to go back to school, then start mentally preparing yourself to get back in the groove of studying. You want to have a book published one day, then begin researching and prepare yourself to start writing the book. Better yet… you want to start blogging, then reach out to a few local bloggers and get some guidance from them on how to start. They won't bite, I promise. *giggles * we are not settling this year. Aren't you tired of settling? Aren't tired of letting life pass you by, and you still aren't happy or satisfied? I sure am, and I am sure some of you are too.

Earlier I mentioned four specific words to you, and they were: knowledge, creativity, passion, and resourcefulness. I personally feel as though these words are essential for us to remember this year. Why? Because these words should inspire you to be optimistic and believe that you can and that you will make a difference in your life. This is the year to do it. I feel like I am preaching… good lord. Anyway… those words will help you become successful this year once you put your mind to it. It will not happen overnight; it will take some blood, sweat, and tears, but you can do it. I know you can. I won't continue to ramble on with those words right now, but stay tuned. I will definitely have a post dedicated to them sooner than you think. *winks eye *

Well, Bloomers like everyone has been saying,

May the tears you cried in 2019 water the seeds you are planting for 2020.
— Azalea

Should be some beautiful flowers, "Blooming" by spring.

It's 2020 Bloomers. Now tell me… What's your next move?