What Has 2022 Taught Me – Lessons Learned
“God Will Give You the Same Lessons in life over and repeatedly until they are learned. Not Every Lesson is Meant to Hurt You but to Teach You.”
Hello, my beautiful thorns & roses! How the hell are ya today? Did you choose violence? Are you alive & surviving? Don't worry; I am here, and I am alive. Trying to keep a smile on my face despite the roller coaster. Anyway… let's get right into it.
As the quote says above, "God Will Give You the Same Lessons in life over and repeatedly until they are learned…." That is true. That doesn't mean all of them will be terrible, but lessons are intended to teach more than just "discipline”. Some teach you how strong you are or can be, and some teach boundaries, maturity level, etc. During this year, 2022, I have had new and old lessons to "gently" remind me of my morals and beliefs. I will admit I did have "Eve" moments when I knew better but didn't do better & when I didn't know better, so I couldn't do better. But, Hey, I am human…I make mistakes, and sometimes I feed my flesh rather than my spirit.
We are now in the "winter" season, but I am still experiencing the "Fall" season. But eventually, I will be transitioning. One lesson I learned made me realize that I will only move into my winter once I drop that last leaf. Since the beginning of this year, I've been intentional about taking notes of lessons I learned during the year. I have 22, but for the blog's sake, I'll list my top 11. Of course, you can head to my YouTube channel for all 22 lessons and a little detail for each (just make sure you are following me for when the video is released). Remember to like, share and subscribe when you head over!
Here are my top 11 lessons & Note these aren't in any particular order.
Keep God in the Center
Create prayer Wall
Give your tithes & offering
Heal (mentally, emotionally, spiritually)
Set Boundaries & don't allow them to be crossed
Don't settle like dust
Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Follow your gut feeling – sometimes that's your guardian angel protecting you from what you can't see
Take time for yourself & rest
Develop skills & Have a side hustle
Stay consistent & Be intentional
As I said in the beginning, these aren't in any particular order. The lessons have given me gentle reminders that I needed. Some were for reinforcement, a few were to allow me to see what can happen if I don't listen to my body, and some to show me that I need to listen to my gut and discernment. These lessons throughout the year have played an essential role in my life this year. I pray to the lord I remember these for the upcoming year. Lord knows I am tired!
My question to you…What are some lessons you all have learned for the year 2022? I am excited to hear yours. Have a GREAT day, and don't choose violence!