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Letting Go of Control and Trusting in Faith


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

Letting Go of Control and Trusting in Faith


You know what my struggle is? I constantly crave control; by control, I mean having authority over my life, my circumstances, how events unfold, and the results of situations. I yearn to have control over what people say about me and how they treat me, desiring to take matters of revenge into my own hands rather than relying on God Himself. Wanting to alter and manage the circumstances of my family and a select few of my friends. Indeed, what benefit would I truly gain from that? There are diverse lessons, processes, and battles I must face to fully appreciate the goodness of God. Let's be honest, if I had been in control all along, I wouldn't have grown into the person I am today. I humbly thank God for not granting me that control, despite moments of intense desire for it. After all, I am only human.

Reflecting on my younger years transitioning into adulthood, I often relied on my own understanding first and foremost, instead of trusting the good Lord to handle matters such as fixing, managing, or seeking vengeance. There were times when I would foolishly attempt to take matters into my own hands, fully aware that it was not the right course of action. Predictably, these actions either resulted in backfiring or led to a strong sense of conviction. Thank God for growth! I've come to understand that it's often wiser to allow things to unfold naturally. By saying this, I don't mean letting situations escalate out of control, allowing people to take advantage of you, or tolerating false or negative remarks about you. Instead, it's about accepting situations for what they are, taking a step back, observing, and quietly strategizing. It's about being discerning and strategic, rather than reactive.

Although it may be challenging, there is a certain satisfaction in not letting oneself be bothered by the actions of those who have mistreated or hurt you. There is a subtle pleasure in knowing that consequences will catch up to those who have wronged you, and sometimes you may even have a front-row seat to witness their comeuppance. This doesn't mean you should revel in their misfortune, but rather it's a humbling experience to observe justice unfold. At times, enduring suffering for a period may be necessary. However, by being willing and patient in facing these challenges, understand that in this season, you don't have to engage in these battles actively. I realize you may be eager to resolve things immediately and take control of the situation. Yet, when you entrust it to God and allow Him to work in His timing, have faith that the outcome will surpass any results you could have envisioned. Trust that His timing and His ways are far superior to our own.

As previously emphasized, in this season of restoration and silent progression, it's crucial to remain vigilant and observant. Be mindful of the opportunities and challenges that come your way. While you move with quiet determination, it's important to recognize that not everyone is a friend. Some individuals may be waiting for the perfect opportunity to betray you or undermine your efforts. Amidst those who support you, many may oppose you. Therefore, staying alert and discerning is paramount to safeguarding yourself from potential harm or betrayal. There's no need to fret, even though you might feel the urge to control circumstances or wish to turn back time and alter events. Sometimes, it's simply the will of God at play. However, it's essential not to become complacent. Stay vigilant and prepared for whatever lies ahead, trusting that God's plan will unfold as it should.

As we journey through life, grappling with the desire for control and the challenges it brings, it's essential to remember the lessons learned and the growth experienced. We've navigated the urge to take matters into our own hands, the temptation to seek revenge, and the longing to manipulate our circumstances. Yet, through it all, we've come to understand the value of patience, trust, and humility. In moments of struggle and uncertainty, let's lean on our faith and trust in a higher power. By relinquishing control and surrendering to the will of God, we open ourselves up to greater possibilities and blessings beyond our imagination. We've witnessed the power of resilience and the beauty of allowing things to unfold naturally, even in the face of adversity. So, let's release our grip on control, embrace the lessons of the past, and step confidently into the future, knowing that we are guided by a divine plan far greater than our own. And as we do, may we find peace, strength, and fulfillment in the journey ahead.