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Surrendering to God's Plan


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

Surrendering to God's Plan


Do we truly comprehend the essence of surrendering to God? It's like letting Him steer the boat or becoming the passenger while He takes on the role of our driving instructor. Frequently, we hear phrases like "This is in Your hands, God," "I'm letting go and letting God," or "I surrender everything to You." Yet, often, these words remain unfulfilled. I, too, am guilty of this, and I admit it without hesitation.

As 2023 drew to a close, I realized that the year didn't unfold as planned, and I underwent unexpected pruning. Curveballs kept coming from all directions, and I found myself constantly at a crossroads, attempting to maintain control. Eventually, overwhelmed by tears, stress, and relentless challenges, I reached a point where I had no option but to declare, "Daddy, I surrender myself and every circumstance to you." Making this decision and taking this action requires daily intentionality, especially on days filled with questioning, worry, dismay, and discouragement. Speaking of which, there is a reason why it’s repeated so many times in the Bible – “So do not Fear, for I am with You; do not be dismayed, for I am Your God. I Will Strengthen You and Help You; I Will Uphold You with My Righteous Right Hand.” Isaiah 41:10.

Listen up, Bloomers! God has been working on me, and let me share a revelation. I was tuned into a sermon by Pastor Keion Henderson, and he dropped a truth bomb: when you feel discouraged or dismayed, it's a sign you're lacking trust in God. It hit me not because of what he said, but because it's undeniably true. In my studies and meditation, I've noticed God's constant reminder not to be discouraged or dismayed—an urging to recall His promises and recognize that His "will" always triumphs over our own agendas. Consider this a heads-up: the enemy might sneak in with cunning tactics to sow seeds of discouragement in your mind. Saying, "God, I surrender to you," means nothing if you're still plagued by worry and discouragement. Remember, worrying is an insult to God. I've got more biblical support for you—check out Romans 10:17: "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." When doubt creeps in, immerse yourself in God's Word, and offer praise, and worship. I get it; it's easier said than done, and I'm still working on it too. Yet, it truly makes a difference. This is what Surrendering to God is all about.

Take a look at Genesis 22, where God sets up a challenging test for Abraham, essentially saying, "You need to sacrifice your son." There are moments when God makes you question His instructions, but remember, obedience is more significant than sacrifice. Sometimes, it's just a test to see if you truly trust Him. Let's face it, what God asked Abraham to do was intense—who wants to contemplate sacrificing their own child? Yet, in the twelfth  hour, God dispatched one of His angels to halt Abraham. The narrative holds numerous lessons on faith: being tested to establish trust, responding to God's call, submitting to His will, placing trust in His word, obeying Him, and receiving divine rewards. The thing is, when you choose to surrender to God, there might be instances where you have to relinquish what you hold most dear, trusting that He will bring it back and restore it.

Ultimately, my beloved Bloomers, there comes a time when you grow weary of overthinking, wondering, and questioning. It's crucial to retreat to the secret place (Psalm 91), and declare to Him, "I'm giving this all to you." It may be challenging, but you must compel yourself. Alternatively, God may need to step back and let you arrive at that point, patiently waiting for your surrender. As you step into this new season in the year, embrace the art of surrendering to God. This is the year of Restoration!

Submit yourselves therefore to God
— James 4:7