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Not Preparing but Training You


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

Not Preparing but Training You


Sometimes God isn’t just preparing you, but He’s actually training you for something greater.
— Azalea

Lord have mercy; if it’s one thing I must do, I must give you all a 52-week Bible study update. Don’t worry, I intend to, but in the meantime, guess who God spoke to and had a revelation. MEEEEE!! I know, so exciting, right? 

Basically, I had a revelation to sum it all up. Between two powerful women in the Bible, Esther and Deborah. Let the record reflect that I am not saying I am exactly like them or going through the same thing as them. However, I am simply saying after some studying and reflection, as well as speaking to God, I’ve realized that I have similar characteristics or what we like to say in the Church, “anointing .”They were both humble, stood up to what they believed in, were natural leaders (in their own way & took action when necessary), obedient, willing to sacrifice for their people, and last but not least, they were ordinary women but had Favor over their lives. 

Both women were like underdogs, as I like to say. Mostly, people knew about them, especially for their beauty or wisdom/knowledge, and they were respected. But they weren’t of “high” acknowledgment “yet .”They were both patient and understating and had the most unwavering faith. Despite their own personal trials and struggles, they remained patient, kind & humble despite it all. Long story short, because I am going somewhere with this, unknowingly, both ladies had to go through their own “Preparing” process, but it wasn’t that. It was actually “Training .”For what God’s will was for their life. I’m sure both ladies had days where they “may” have questioned why they had to go through some things, or maybe, they asked themselves when it would be my time? Common questions we love to ask ourselves when we feel doubtful or know we have a “greater” purpose in life. Fast forwarding – Esther won Favor from the King and became Queen, and she saved her Jewish people. As for Deborah, she was already a prophet and a consular, but she became the only female judge out of the twelve judges, and she helped to lead an army in war.

So you see, both women didn’t have it all coming up, but the result was far greater than the trails they may have gone through. Yes, at some points, they had to “prepare,” but God was “Training” them for what His purpose was for them. Side Note: I won’t get too personal because my story is far greater than what I am putting out currently and because my story isn’t completed yet. For the past 2 ½ years, I’ve had the urge to throw in the towel and say, FORGET THIS!!! Like others, I’ve questioned myself, thrown a fuss, or wondered about my purpose. However, over time and extremely recently, through my studies, comparison of Esther & Deborah, and confirmation from God, I’ve realized that God has been “Training” me for what’s to come. Yes, I had to “Prepare” in some instances, but that was just for the time “period” or the current situation. But, I was and still am in “Training.” 

Recently I started to put a mini math equation together for myself. While at work, one day, while enjoying the aroma therapy I have going on in my office, God dropped a tiny seed in my spirit. Then it hit me! When I started working, I told myself a certain amount of years, I’ll do my thing and then…you know… “push out”.  Not even realizing that for the same amount of years, I told myself the same amount of years God had me “Training .”Guess it may be true after all (don’t mind me being vague, I don’t need anyone blocking my blessings). It all made sense when I think of the bad days, the drama, the struggle, and the drag. Even more so now, the heat Definity turned up at peak moments, and all I could say was, “God, if this is a sign, then Selah.” I even think of my mother sometimes. For years and years, she would tell me everything you are experiencing was and will not be in vain. One day you will look back and understand. WELL, MOMMY, I HAD FEW SESSIONS OF LOOKING BACK, but this is only the beginning. To be honest, when I look at my life as a whole on a 360 camera, EVERYTHING HAS BEEN TRAINING. I wouldn’t begin to explain Bloomers the complete revelation I had about myself and my characteristics regarding Esther and Deborah (I am not perfect); it’s very close to them in some ways. Again, It would make sense why Both ladies, especially Esther why my spirit spoke to her so much. 

 Enough about me, though. I say all this to say I want to be a form of encouragement for you reading this. Know that your process and training are not in vain because you are being prepared for the future, but you are going through the training for something greater that God has for you and your life. Can the Church say Amen? Amen. You may be tired of the trials, tribulations, frustration, and all that good stuff, but it’s honestly not in vain. Your Breakthrough & Deliverance are in the places you want to leave and/or the person you are trying to escape from. Have a great day, and of course…