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The War Within


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

The War Within


The New Testament of the Bible frequently speaks about the war between The Flesh & The Spirit. Feeding into the things that are “worldly” living and those that are “spiritual” living. Now I won’t go into full detail about what all the Bible says about it (which includes info on feeding the flesh is doing of the principalities), but just for your understanding that even in the Holy Book, it recognizes there is a constant battle between the two. Honestly, it sucks! Why? Because in most cases, we want to do the right thing, but depending on the situation, sometimes we cave into that side called “The Flesh.” As it says in Matthew 26:41, “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” We should all know the controversy/conflict between, as I like to say, choosing violence & “not” choosing violence. It’s a painful feeling and battle with oneself between “What would Jesus do?” & “What should “I” do?”. This is something that I’ve personally been battling and struggling with recently in different areas of my life. Living in the flesh is easy because it just comes naturally to us. However, the battle becomes real when you start to feed yourself spiritually, and now you’re choosing which to cater to. Bloomers, let’s saddle up as I explain “The War Within” – Flesh vs. Spirit

For me, my flesh & spirit are constantly at war with one another, and honestly, it frustrates me. It’s like fighting myself. The thought process of “You know better, so you should do better.” As I said, I never realized how brutal this war within myself was until recently. Whereas I feel like I’ve “intentionally” been put in situations to test my growth (professional and personal life) and to test if I am putting into practice what I read and preach. Side note: I did ask the Good Lord to do a new thing in me and to make me a better person, so I guess this is what I get. Mind you, I still have my little moments, but mainly when it’s during a “venting” session. However, I am doing my best and not rending evil for evil. I am putting Luke 6:28 into good practice and Proverbs 20:22; boy, oh boy, it’s rough out here. 

High-key, my greatest temptation comes from…anyway, YOU fill in the blank. And it’s difficult because a rage inside me (not always. But sometimes I just want to answer back) begins to boil, and I would reach my climax moment and then NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I simply take a deep breath and walk off but trust me, I am swearing like a sailor in my mind. Then the confusion happens; I analyze the situation, think of things I should have said or done, and then I get madder at myself. However, it’s not me that gets angry but my flesh (like fleshy conviction). My flesh begins to eat me because it is starving for attention. But my spirit. She feels GREAT! Because I “didn’t choose violence,”; eventually, I pat myself on the back & move on. Sometimes, the opposite happens, and I feed my “flesh” rather than “spirit,” but INSTANT conviction occurs. And the more I think about it, I realize either my spirit was weak, or I was simply having a “human” moment. 

Gosh, this topic goes so deep, but over time, I will get deeper into this, although I plan to break this up into 2 categories to explain each in a little more detail. Not to ramble too much longer, I say all this to say… there will always be a war within yourself. Especially as you grow into your spiritual journey. It is not easy at all. Having to turn the other cheek when you know good and darn well you can put a person or situation to shame. Better yet, a circumstance where you fall into the worldly things of life. Or simply just wanting to feed the flesh, but I’ll tell you this…you can’t feed both simultaneously. Pick one and be wise. And if you decide to feed the flesh and have that war within yourself (I do it, too), just ask for forgiveness, especially when you know better. And if it makes you feel better…

Young people, enjoy your youth. Be happy while you are still young. Do what you want to do, and follow your heart’s desire. But remember that God is going to judge you for whatever you do.
— Ecclesiastes 11:9

Have a GREAT day, my beautiful Thorns & Roses, aka “Bloomers,” and don’t forget…

The War Within is a common experience for many people. The flesh represents our natural desires and impulses, while the spirit represents our higher nature and our connection to God. These two forces are often in conflict, and it can be difficult to know which one to follow. (Matthew 26:41)