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Self-Development: Lets Better Ourselves


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

Self-Development: Lets Better Ourselves


Hey you!!! Welcome back to the "Garden of Music." I know it's been a minute since I've written here, but I am here, and that is what matters. If you've been following me in the Garden of Music, you noticed that we have spoken on many topics regarding our infinite self. Previously, in this segment, we talked about "Self-Respect" and what it means to respect yourself in every aspect of your life. However, there is something else that can go with "self-respect," and that is "Self-development." Are you ready to get started? I know I am! 

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about the Summer Season, and one of the things I briefly spoke about was self-development. In my own words, self-development can be defined as "a person taking steps to better themselves in learning a new skill. Trying out new adventures or simply improving on bad habits and changing their ways for the greater good." Personal development is a lifelong process; it should be a big deal for any individual, especially those working on themselves and are in the process of self-evaluation. This topic involves so many aspects—the transformation of oneself and becoming the BEST. As in the best, you can be and reaching your fullest potential.

You may be thinking, "How can I become my best self during self-development?" the answer is quite simple. It starts with Self-evaluation. Looking at yourself from within and acknowledging the things that you know you need to personally improve on. Now that doesn't mean it is all negative. It can mean wanting to improve on a new skill, trying a new hobby, learning to accept the things you can't change, etc. Don't worry Bloomers soon enough; we will be focusing on "Self-evaluation." 

Create realistic goals and then come up with an action plan to execute them 100%. Keep a journal entry and monitor your progress and growth with your self-development. Also, keep in mind your goals for setting better self-development, they should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely (SMART). Depending on if you have a time frame, you want to accomplish something. If you feel you need help obtaining a better understanding of your own self-development, go and visit a life coach. I highly recommend it. 

I personally started working on my self-development in several aspects, my main one being focusing on my craft and skills. Find new ways to improve on them and create ideas on ways to "secure the bag" while doing it. Summer is the perfect time to focus on self-development and open be to new ideas and adventures that can help in your personal development. 

Don't wait for the grass to grow to start focusing on your personal development. It will take time to achieve them, so start NOW! Take baby steps, it may take a little longer, but as you look back, they will look like significant steps. Prepare to embrace the minor and major changes that will come along with it. As you start to work on your personal development, the change will come in full 360, so don't be terrified (at least not too much). Be accountable, be grateful, and recognize your worth. Challenge yourself on the daily, and do not let your limiting beliefs hold you back EVER!! Follow your passion and KEEP GOING & NEVER GIVE UP. 👏🏾👏🏾

1.    Slow down – your life is not a race 

2.    Stop Procrastinating 

3.    Live in the moment 

4.    Be aware of those negative thoughts that may prevent you from moving forward

5.    Despite the challenges that are coming your way; continue to SMILE ☺️

We must become the change we want to see.
— Mahatma Gandhi