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Feeding Your Spirit


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

Feeding Your Spirit


Disclaimer: I am not forcing my beliefs on others or making anyone feel the need to do anything they don’t want to do. Christianity is my way of living. Please do not leave any negative comments.

Hello, Bloomers! I hope you are having a great day so far. As for me, I just want to sleep, honestly, but I have too many things to do. I know it has been a while since I have written on self-care and such. But I needed my own personal time to discover new ways of taking care of myself and what I may be missing in my daily self-care routine. Could you believe I found just that? Based on the name of today’s blog, you can take a lucky guess about what this may be about. 

At some point late last year, I felt like I was missing something in my life, but I didn’t know what it was. It felt like my body was starving of something, and I don’t mean food. My heart didn’t feel full enough, nor did my Spirit, and I didn’t know why. To the point where I really had to sit down and think to myself, “What am I missing?”. So, casually as I usually would do… I prayed about it and expressed myself to God. I went through a bit of a situation during this time and prayed over that particular situation. Then it hit me!! My body, and when I mean body, I mean my spirit, was starving. It was Starving from God himself. Funny, right…I know. You would think I wouldn’t be starving if I said I’m always praying, but I realized that it wasn’t enough, and my relationship with HIM was drifting. I just prayed for praying sake because that’s what I was raised to do. I became so focused on putting others first that I literally started to put God not last, but he wasn’t a part of my tunnel vision. However, I can reassure you He indeed reminded me real damn quick who He was. I won’t get into too much detail about how He reminded me who the BOSS is, but I learned quickly. 


I started a challenge on my own, which was every month (still currently doing). I have to read one of the books of the Bible. So that means every night, I need to read a scripture or chapter within the text. I do that, but besides reading a story, I must spend a few moments just praying, worshiping, etc., for a one-hour minimum. Of course, I did get some guidance from my “Spiritual Advisor” on praying different kinds of prayers and which Books of the Bible I should read next. I basically did the whole works. Then I was invited to an 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning church service. LET ME TELL YOU BLOOMERS SOMETHING!!! I never felt so whole again. I felt like the Lord, and I got married, and he forgave me for abandoning him in the wilderness. You ever cried in church while the Pastor was praying? If not, you haven’t experienced the Holy Spirit yet then (joking). But seriously, I cried in church, but that was because I felt fulfilled again. My body, heart, soul, and Spirit felt like it wasn’t starving anymore. That’s a serious feeling… sigh…anyway. 

I didn’t mean to ramble so much. The point of me telling my little story is that you understand self-care is more than just pampering yourself and going out on single dates. It’s not about lighting a candle and inhaling the lovely aroma (which I love doing). Sometimes it’s about feeding your spirituality. There are times when we feel alone or feel empty inside and think it’s for one thing. For example, good sex (sometimes what you need), drugs, or alcohol. But really, it’s because your inner self needs to be fed to the highest power. I will say it is a hard feeling to explain, but you will know it when you feel it. We worry about putting the wrong people first in our lives. In all honesty, when you put God first, not only do things start to work in your favor, but you begin to feel alive and more “peachy.” Your attitude starts to change, you begin to view things in a different light, etc. You will have times when you feel like you are getting tested, but it’s really up to you to act out or just call on the Lord and shout JESUS NOT TODAY!! *giggles * I have my moments.

Bloomers, start feeding your Spirit as a part of your self-care ritual, but if you aren’t going to be serious, don’t waste your time. I personally started my own challenge, but now it’s a daily routine. I may not do everything on my list every day, but I do most. So… here is your challenge:

  1. Read a Bible Story every day (morning or night)

  2. Spend at least 30 mins praying not just for yourself but others as well

  3. Praise and Worship music on the way to work (I personally don’t like the screaming shouting kind, but whatever works for you)

  4. Join a prayer line

  5. Discover spiritual affirmations and start repeating them to yourself

  6. Read the Book of Psalms & identify which ones stick with you spiritual

  7. Sow a seed and have FAITH!

Enjoy Bloomers & remember, 

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