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2021 Magic Words

Azaleas Blog


2021 Magic Words


Hello, Bloomers. I know you guys are thinking, "What could possibly be the magic words for 2021 considering what happened in 2020." First, we don't see the future, and we never will, so just go with the flow of things. Secondly, there are 3 magic words for 2021, and they all start with the letter R. Before I reveal those words to you, I just want to say a few things; I promise to make it quick *giggles *

This past year has been challenging for many of us, including myself and my family. However, we are all pushing and making it through. I just want to encourage you to continue moving forward, keep positive, and continue to pray for yourself and others around you. Many of us have lost loved ones this year, and I know it's hard, but at least they don't have to suffer in this cruel world we live in. COVID-19 was definitely a lesson to us all to never take things for granted and enjoy the little moments. Despite many of us having to start over or cancel future plans or maybe create a new road map, it has also shown us how to survive and become more creative in different aspects. This is why I have become inspired for you Bloomers and thought of these 3 magic words for 2021. They are: Reset, Restart, and Refocus.


This past year has thrown us off our yellow brick road a lot. Causing us to stress out more, fall back into bad, unhealthy habits, or simply questioning our owns lives and faith. Well, now is the time to hit that "Factory reset button" in our lives. Meaning resetting the direction of our lives. Hence why I always say Winter is the season to hibernate and meditate. Resetting our lives takes more than just a couple of minutes of downtime, unlike a phone or computer, which only needs a few seconds. With this new year approaching, many of us aren't liking the direction we are heading towards; the good news is you can choose a new path. However, it will not be easy doing so. You must mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for it and the sacrifices it will require. The resetting part of your life may require you to reevaluate things and to have conversations with loved ones. To reset: you must be willing to let go of the past, live in the present, have gratitude, and begin to set yourself up for success. If you wonder what may be a few places that may need resetting: finances & spending, motivations, relationships, and those bad habits you have. 


Well, now is your chance. We all wanted to start 2020, but look how that didn't happen unto the next best thing… A NEW YEAR!! Now we can defiantly start over. Start over with a new plan and direction and also have a plan B, C, and D if you have to. Starting over may feel scary, but it really isn't. It's like getting another chance to start fresh on a new clean slate, and who doesn't like getting a second or third chance to get it right in life. Only a fool *giggles * Starting over is your chance to create and reach new goals, including those you didn't get to accomplish. It's also about giving yourself a chance to be happy again. We all make a mistake thinking certain things will make us happy until we realize we were wrong and want to try another way. Well, now is your chance; finding ways to begin anew will give you energy. Define YOUR own values, set realistic goals, vision your best self, and look at your daily choices (the good and bad).


Get it together, Bloomer, no time for a pity party. Don't feel bad; I had my fair share of those days, but now is the time to shut up and do it! Focus on what's ahead, yeah things didn't go in your favor, but there is no time to dowel on that. Remain focus on the objective, goals, and results you want to see at the end of your journey. You finally came up with a new game plan no need to get distracted and lose focus on things that won't help you get there. Make a list of all your priorities and post them on your mirror or fridge. Get organized and remain that way, listen to positive and meditational videos or podcasts, and create an affirmation journal to read daily, especially on those heavy, difficult days.

I chose these words for 2021 because no matter what happens in life, you can always decide to reset, restart, and refocus as many times as you want. In my last blog post about the Fall season, I speak about taking steps back and falling back to reevaluate yourself and the Winter season, which is a time to chill out, take a break from everything, meditate and hibernate. These things come into play when you feel the need to just stop everything you are doing and start all over.

I won't ramble much longer…but continue to have faith and pray over yourself and loved ones. A new year is about to begin. Even though we don't know what is about to happen, it's still better to be prepared for the best and worse. That's just the reality we are living in. Save your money and spend wisely, enjoy the little moments, and take nothing for granted. 

Every moment is a fresh beginning.
— Azalea