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I've Bloomed Back

Azaleas Blog


I've Bloomed Back


Hey, Bloomers, guess who's back…MEEEEEE. Just in time for "lovers month" because I missed you all and obviously because I love you.  

First, Happy New Year! I know I basically disappeared without warning, but your girl just needed some time to hibernate and catch herself. I took my own advice and decided to take a step back and press restart on a few things, especially my mind and the new things I want to focus on. During my hiatus from the Blogging World, I had a lot of time to think about a few things in my personal life.  

The main focus for me was the year 2020. Boy.... it was Ghettooo! *giggles * However, I learned a lot from that year and became more appreciative of the little things in life. I've recognized how important it is to keep your health in check because life is very short at the end of the day, and you never know what can happen to you. Not to mention, you should NEVER take anyone for granted—a very close friend of mine loss a parent due to the COVID-19 virus. Let me just say I didn't see that coming. It was a tough thing for me to accept. Under this newfound purpose and appreciation of life, I took matters into my own hands. I decided to invest in a few things. I can't tell you what they are, but basically everyday adult things. 

For a while, my future was on my mind, especially the sacrifices that I have made. Of course, I learned to accept them because that's just the way of life. I have decided to go back to school (no big deal). I have so much respect for persons who work full time and are in school full time because this is no joke. However, I am making it work so far just a lot of readjustments to my daily schedule. Not to brag so much, but I also decided to get back into something I loved doing from high school: photography. I won't speak on it too much for now, but I will be "launching" it later on down the line. It's a skill I had for a while but never pursued it any further until now, and trust me, it took plenty of convincing.   

Anyway, enough updates on me, I don't want to bore you guys much longer. Amid this lovely break, I wanted to make sure I remind you all: 

1. Never take anything for granted  

2. Take care of your health  

3. Do not let your potential go to waste. Act on it, and if you can, help someone else along the way  

4. Keep Pushing  

5. Even though others may be doing already what you want to do…still do it. plenty money to share 

6. Practice your craft  

7. You are never too young or old  

8.   Remain faithful and merciful  

9. Take selfies  

10.Don't forget to wear your mask *giggles * 

