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Congratulations High School Graduates!

Azaleas Blog


Congratulations High School Graduates!


Disclaimer: This message is dedicated to all High School Graduates. Despite us going through an entire pandemic, you deserve all the happiness for successfully completing high school. Also, this post is based on the experience of “past” high school graduates. 

Hey Bloomers & my new high school graduates!!! First and foremost, how is everyone doing? I’m sure everyone is dying to go outside and be free again, I know I am. Nonetheless, I hope you guys are doing well and finding ways to stay busy during this time. Secondly, I want to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS!! To all the High School Graduates & welcome to the “Adult World”. I am super proud of you and your success in completing high school. I can imagine the excitement some of you may be feeling right now. If I could go back to my graduation day, I think I would scream a lot louder for sure.

Now that you’ve finally graduated, some of you may be thinking to yourself, “Now what do I do?”. Then again, some of you may have a road map planned out, and it’s as simple as … High School -> College/University -> Work in your profession -> live your best life. Well, I am here to tell you that it is not going to go like that for some of you. The reality of it is the world is changing every day, and that means life won’t be as simple and may even be a little more difficult. So you might be in for a real shocking treat once you have gotten over your “celebration” and the real world comes into play. In high school, they tell us many things but leave out so many, including what reality is after high school. Not saying in high school they aren’t realistic, but I think there is so much more that they can tell us about, besides the obvious. Such as telling us, “college will not be all that easy”, “In 5 to 10 years you may be married.” And all that good stuff. Personally, I felt as though they tried to put a time on our lives, but that’s just my opinion. 

The truth is life after high school is a BITCH! If any parents are reading this, I am so sorry, but I’m going to be very real with your kids; there is no need to sugarcoat the truth. Anyway… when I say a “bitch” it doesn’t mean that it is all bad necessarily; however,  It comes with trial and error, but nothing is wrong with that. It’s just how you decide to handle it, whether it’s positive or negative. There will be some of you who can go straight to college but not be able to have a decent job after. There may be a few who have to start working immediately and not go to college until a year or two after high school. Then there maybe some of you who start college but have to stop because of finances. 

Last but not least, there may be some of you that can get a decent job right after high school, and in a few years, you can start a family. But not until that happens, you realize you want to fill that “void” and go back to school for a degree. The truth is after high school, you will need to learn essential life skills; that includes knowing how to pay bills, shopping on a budget, etc.

Life after high school is figuring out which path is right for YOU. It’s not about what your parents or legal guardian want for you because at the end of the day, it’s your life, and you have to live it for you. Yes, they will have their opinions, and no, they won’t agree with all of your decisions, but everything is up to you now. You are an adult, it’s time you take accountability and responsibility for yourself and actions. Once you learn this, you will begin to see things differently than you did before. With that being said, another thing that will come with time “after high school” is more rejection. Yes! And if you didn’t know that, now you know. There will be more rejections, but don’t look at it as a fail but a lesson. Remember, it is only a fail if you don’t keep trying. Just be consistent and persistent.

Do not be phased by social media and what others post; focus on you and your journey to greatness and fulfillment. Do not rush your time nor compare yourself to others because, at that time, you may even discover your purpose in life. What you thought your life was supposed to be is entirely different. Take it from me. I graduated some years ago and thought I would go to college and be finished by now. Someone who was excited to graduate from high school, thinking I could go to university, get my degree, and start living life. Just about every teacher I had felt the same. Look at me now… I am not in school currently (I was at one point); instead, I have a full-time job, and I blog on the side. And I am content with myself. Yes, I do plan to go back to school when the time is right. 

The reality of it is some of you will go to school, and some of you may not. Some will work the typical 9 to 5, and there is nothing wrong with that. Some will work for themselves and be their own boss, and of course, there may be some who are lucky to be a housewife/husband. If you don’t remember anything else I say today just remember this:

Life is about fulfillment. It’s about creating purposeful and meaningful memories that you can say, “I am happy.” And you genuinely mean it.
— Azalea