COVID-19: 14 Ways to Keep Occupied
Hey You!! ☺️ How are you surviving COVID-19? I don’t know about you all, but I am trying my best to survive this thing. I think it’s crazy how this one virus has everything canceled, including 2020…joking!! But it’s crazy.
Disclaimer: This post has been updated. I have added a few new ways to keep occupied during the pandemic.
So based on the title, I guess you already know what this is about. As a disclaimer, this does not mean you have to do these things or only do it when the world is shut down. You can do these whenever. Especially for persons who want to keep busy and to keep mentally sane during these time. Even if you are working from home, self-isolating, or solely on lockdown. Here are 14 things to do to keep you occupied during these times.
1. Take Online Courses
School is at your fingertips literally with endless free courses online and who doesn’t love free education right!! Whether you want to brush up on some skills or learn a new skill. Bonus, you can receive a certification for it. I highly recommend doing this. What do you have to lose? Nothing. All you have is time.
2. Workout
Listen! I’m not one who particularly likes working out but hey…why not. Nothing wrong with getting in shape and focusing on your health and immune system.
3. Create New Goals & Action Plan
You should know where I am going with this, especially if you read my post, “Chillin’ till Winter.” This, too, can be a time for you to evaluate yourself and allow your mind to wander and create new and improved goals. The most important part of this will be your action plan.
4. Look at your Procrastination List
You see all those things you were supposed to do from a long time ago? Like decluttering your closet or organizing your files. GET TO IT, BUDDY!! All you have is time and no excuses. Then you can be lazy for the rest of this lockdown. Not to mention, think how accomplished you will feel after. *giggles *
5. Focus on Your Finances
When this is all over, I think it’s safe to say that everyone will be budgeting and cutting back. Why not get a head start and see what areas you can cut back on. Sort through your income, debts, and monthly bills. Look for free budgeting finance sheets and get to work.
6. Improve on Your Skills
Most of you should already have a skill that you have learned sometime in your life. Why not use this time to improve your skills in any way you can. There is no excuse why you can’t do it. Once you have the resources and if you don’t create a DIY and get to it.
7. Learn a New Language
Do you have a language that you always wanted to learn? Is there a language you love but need to brush up on it? Use this extra time to commit yourself to learn a new language. Start now and work on how to include it in your daily routine. Duolingo is an easy and self-paced app/website for beginners wanting to learn a new language.
8. Clean Out Your Phone
Instead of sitting on your phone all day going through your social media handles, you can clear your phone. Get rid of old pics and documents, delete apps you no longer use. Free up some of that storage so you can have more space on your phone.
9. Learn a New Recipe
If you are a food lover who loves cooking… why not learn a new recipe. There are so many great easy, creative recipes out there waiting to be tested in the comforts of someone’s home. This is the perfect time to chef it up!! If you are on a serious budget, look at the ingredients you have at home and search up what you can make using what you have.
10. Create a Bucket List
I think it is safe to say that when things get back to “normal,” many of you may want to travel again. So, why not create a bucket list. Purchase a scratch-off map or mini globe and start picking countries you want to visit and explore.
11. Plant a Garden
Use those lovely hands you have and put them to good use. Plant a regular garden or herb garden. There is nothing better than having your own fresh herbs ready to be cooked!
12. Clean Up Your Social Media Handles
Like me, I’m sure some of you can clean up your social media handles. Whether it’s deleting old pics on your Instagram, updating your Twitter bio, or simply deleting persons off of Facebook. Nothing wrong with making your profiles more appealing and positive.
13. Paint & Sip or Create & Sip
A common but fun activity for all! Who doesn’t love paint and sip, right? Of course, if you have kids, they will have to drink apple juice *giggles *, but we can use some wine for the rest of us (destress). If you don’t have any paint at home, simply do some art and craft. Find things around your house and yard and create something cool. Just don’t create anything harmful and dangerous!!
14. Practice Self-Care
This is a broad topic, but to make it easier. Practice learning how to do make-up and your nails (ladies). Gents learn how to give yourself a shapeup, trim, or an entire haircut. Either which way, practice investing in yourself.
Bloomers, it was fun creating this list for you, and I hope you attempt to do one of these things while on lockdown. As I am doing at least two of these things myself.
“If you stay positive in a negative situation you win.”