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Story Time: Why I Started B.W.A.

Azaleas Blog


Story Time: Why I Started B.W.A.


I knew this was coming eventually, and as I write this, I am still contemplating telling you all this story. Then again, it's not the end of the world…right? Not to mention this isn't a testimony more so just being transparent.

Hello, my blooming Bloomers!! For a while now, I've been getting the question and fairly recently more than ever. "What made you start a blog?" well, there are a few reasons why I actually started my own website and began blogging... If you read the About Me and a few other posts, you would see where semi I explained my reasons for it. Never thought I would see the day where I can actually say "I love writing" but hey things change at the most unexpected times. With that being said, sit tight, grab some popcorn, and enjoy story time. *smiles nervously *

So yes, I started writing originally as a journal entry in early 2018, not on anything specific, just free writing whatever came to mind. Eventually, I started posting them to snapchat and my Instagram stories. During that time, I personally was going through some things, and I felt like there was a dark cloud around me, and it didn't want to go anywhere. I basically started to give up, and I didn't care about anything except food (plenty of it) and sleep. Of course, I looked alright because I'm pretty good at hiding how I feel, especially with my smile and outgoing spirit. Still, deep down, I wasn't the peachiest person. As I started doing my journal entries, I use to discuss some of the topics with a few co-workers as a conversation starter, and it was pretty fun. After a strong month or so persons would repost my journal entries and reach out to me about how they loved what I posted.

Fast-forwarding a little, one of my aunts told me I should write a book (which I plan to do in due time) or something because what I said was making sense. At the same time, I had a few persons who said, "why not start a blog?" and thought to myself, "That doesn't seem like a bad idea, but what the hell will I write about, and how do you even start one?" So I began my research and became knowledgeable about blogs, reasons for doing it, began looking for resources; basically, I did my homework. Everything after that basically fell into place. Let me make something CLEAR… my blog is my outlet, and it is something that I will always turn to despite what people say or think. Some persons don't believe blogging doesn't make any sense, but it makes plenty if it's based on something you love and are passionate about.

Amongst that being the main reason for my blogging, I wanted to build a platform (which I pray that one day takes off), one where people can feel comfortable to talk about their personal struggles and insecurities. I want persons to feel fulfilled and discover their purpose. This is also why I created a project/campaign called #NakedTruth by B.W.A. not only do I want persons here on my blog for "motivation." We all make mistakes and learn from them, and of course, every imperfection we dislike about ourselves is beautiful. There is nothing wrong with you because you are perfectly imperfect. We are growing and changing everyday… just like how flowers and plants do, hence the name Blooming and why I call you "Bloomers." I am still growing and learning, so you get where I am going with this.

To answer a commonly asked question: "Why do you take long to create and post a new blog, and how many times do you post in a month or week?" the answer is because what I write is my reality. Meaning every blog piece I have is based on something I've experienced, currently going through, etc. So, some days take longer than others. I kind of like not posting too many times in the month because if I continuously write and post, it wouldn't be authentic. Blogging would feel like a forceful job I don't like. It wouldn't be enjoyable for me. Not to mention and to keep in mind I can write 3 post in one day but sometimes I have to go back and take out some detailing because somethings should just be left unsaid. Therefore, Bloomer, that is why I take long "sometimes," and I can't really say how much times in a month I will post, but on average, I would say 3 times.

Bloomers, this is my story and my truth, and if you were to ask me in person if you haven't met me yet, this is what I would tell you and maybe a little more. I didn't create this website for money, fame, clout, etc. I did this for me and it just so happens that there are people who enjoy it. I'm still blooming, so why not bring you all along for the journey.

I hope you all enjoyed this and now I'm going to hide *giggles *