Should You Move On? Maybe it’s Time That You Do
Ever had that feeling it was time for you to move on from something, but you weren’t sure if that’s what you wanted to do? Does the sense of detoxing yourself from things that are no longer serving your life purpose entice you? Well… as of recently, I’ve been feeling this way. I don’t know why, honestly. I am guessing it has to do with all these shifts and movements happening in my personal life. Then again, it can be because the universe is preparing me for something greater.
Anyway… I won’t get too much into myself because some things should just be left unsaid if you know what I mean *winks eye *. Hey, Bloomers!! I’m glad to see you back on my blog again. I hope you are having a wonderful week thus far. Come to think about it, its NOVEMBER!!!! Where has the time gone? It was just October, and before you know it, it will be Christmas. Don’t worry, I will send my Christmas list to you guys soon *giggles *. Despite it being November, we are still in the Autumn season, which means it’s not too late to start making those necessary changes to your life. As for some of you, the process may have already started. So, my question for you is, have you noticed any shift in your life since you’ve started making changes? Are the results positive or negative? Before you respond, think about it first and reflect on everything.
I asked those questions because I received a message from someone who is also experiencing a “shift” in their season of change, and they wanted to know if they should move on. Personally, I think that they should, based on I was told. Let me start by saying this…
“Everything in life has an expiration date.”
Food, make-up, relationships, and human life; just about everything expires over time. It’s the bitter truth whether you want to accept it or not. I believe the issue with this is accepting the fact that it is time to move on, and you know that you should, but you still sit there and contemplate if it’s the right move or not. As human beings, we tend to be stuck in the past. Often thinking back on how things started or why we started something. We tend to forget about the trials and tribulations that happened during that time, which is why you are stuck between staying or moving. Bloomers, it is time to let go of the illusion that it “could” have been different; because if it could have, it would have happened!!! I am guilty of over-staying my time because I love giving people the benefit of the doubt. But for me to continue to grow, that has changed to an extent. Why? Because my happiness is more important than anything in this lifetime.
I know that change can be painful, but trust me when I say it is way more painful being trapped somewhere you don’t belong anymore. Start over and start fresh, write a new story. It may even be better than the story you were in before. There is a quote that says, “Close some doors. Not because of pride, incapacity, or arrogance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere.” I couldn’t agree more with this quote. It goes to show that what I said earlier is true. Everything in life has an expiration date. So… should you move on? Yes, you should!! Why? The real question is… what’s your reason for staying in a situation that is stale-dated.
Should you move on from that job or position you have grown out of? Yes. Should you move from that toxic relationship that “once upon a time” made you happy? Yes. Should you move on from that bank that keeps increasing their fees for no reason? PLEASE DO SO. *giggles* Bloomers, I think you get the point. Something else you can try for the remaining of this Fall season is saying “no” to things that you really don’t care to do or care for. What do you have to lose after all it is NO-vemeber. See what I just did there? *laugh’s historically *
Just move on.