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Spring Forth and Bloom !

Azaleas Blog


Spring Forth and Bloom !


Just like that, it is allergy season *giggles * I mean Spring!!! Hey Bloomers, I hope all is well with you, and no one has caught this new “virus” that is basically taking over the world as we speak. I know you all are wondering why I haven’t been posting as much, but I have a good reason, and it was basically out of my control. Fear not, I am back just in time for Spring Season. WOOT WOOT!!!

Spring. I love it! Besides my allergies trying to get the best of me, it’s a time to feel more alive, longer days, and shorter nights. Bonus, it’s not cold anymore except for the random cold fronts here and there. Besides all of that, Spring is a time of transition meaning, all the cold and darkness have dwindled away. The sun is beginning to shine brightly, the rainbow is directing us to the pot of gold, the animals are out and about, and flowers are blooming.

However, even though nature is doing its thing and we love it, What about us? Yes, I said us. Spring isn’t just for the earth and nature. During this time of year, we enter a state of renewal which means everything you would’ve been preparing for in the winter season, it is now time to manifest it for Spring. Remember, in my previous post, “Chillin’ till Winter,” I stated, “This is the time to allow your mind to wander and create improved, innovative ideas and goals for yourself.” Well, now it’s time to get up and get it. It is now time for you Bloomers to also Bloom like the beautiful and handsome flowers you are and make those new innovative ideas and goals come to life. 

Spring is a time to embark on new journeys (so exciting) and start those new projects with fresh ideas. Don’t forget to pray about it as well! Take your time on this new journey and accomplishing these new ideas. Everything takes time, so there is no need to rush for anything. Take care of it like a newborn baby, nurture it in every way possible, and watch it blossom. On the personal side of things, I also have a few things I want to try work on myself, and hopefully, they do take off.

Just recently, my mum and I were talking, and during the conversation, she asked the question, “Are you out of your shy phase?” and I found it so weird that she asked that. My answer, of course, was yes and no because, for the most part, I am not shy, but when it comes to putting myself out there or trying something new, I tend to hold back a lot. I explained that to her, and she basically said you do not let that be the reason you hold back and can’t accomplish the things you want most. Then again there is a quote that says,

Sometimes, the greatest rewards in life come from doing the things that scare you the most.

With that being said, this Spring Season, don’t hold back and do not let the shyness and fear overshadow those new projects you want to manifest. This the season to “Spring Forth & Bloom,” so let’s BLOOM together. Let’s see what we can challenge ourselves to do.

1.     Try something new

2.     Treat yourself some flowers

3.     Up-level something

4.     Prayer/Meditation for 10 mins or more if you prefer