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Becoming Closer


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

Becoming Closer


Back in March, I expressed that my spirit was starving. It was Starving for God himself. Of course, I expressed how I began feeding my spirit & all that jazz. That was just the beginning of the journey. Then, in January, I updated you guys slightly letting you all know if there isn’t anything else I am most proud of from last year is, I have come far and closer with the Lord himself. So…today I figured why not give you Bloomers an update on everything in my journey & how I’m becoming closer. 

I am now 11 months into my journey (almost a year) & I feel good about it. It’s a part of my daily routine for the most part (the only one that I really kept up with) so give ya girl a hand clap 👏. I will say it wasn’t easy doing it. During the time of me becoming closer & feeding my spirit, I found myself looking within; at things I’ve done in the past, things I need to work on along with several others. The good thing is, “When you know better, you do better.” Boy, do I try. Sometimes the little devil on my shoulder wins but not all the time.

I would like to believe all things happen for a reason - midway of last year I had to be broken, stripped of ALL my pride, had to fall and I needed to get hurt/disappointed (Keep in mind I was already feeding my spirit). I needed the whole process. Why? Simply because not only was I putting myself last but ultimately, I was not including God in the things that mattered most. Instead, I was putting everyone and everything before me and even God. You know what they say about our Daddy, He’s a jealous God. Can’t blame him though. During that process I found the more I turned to Him, things seemed to be a little more challenging and difficult. The best way to describe it - almost like spiritual warfare. Simply to say the more I turned to God the harder things were getting. I felt like and currently still feel like there are days I’m being tested… I guess it's a good thing. Only because I find myself turning to him more; that’s what he wants. I can admit as bad as it sounds when you choose Daddy, things are so damn difficult. When I wasn’t choosing Him, things felt easier. What’s the catch? When you don’t choose Him…you remain stuck. I found myself stuck and not moving no damn where!! Lesson learned.

Becoming closer. How am I doing it? Very simple. Just note that you MUST BE CONSISTENT!

  1. I still read my Bible (particularly I just choose a random verse or story), with that I try to learn how I can apply certain things to my life or simply search about something.

  2. I’ve been attending Bible Study once per week sometimes twice

  3. I can’t sing however I sing at least one praise and worship song

  4. Pray mini prayers throughout the day

  5. Every Morning give Him thanks

I will be honest, I have days like any other person and, I’m just like “DADDYYYYY, are you even listening to me?” Because I get frustrated with this thing called life. Some days I’m super angry to the point I can’t pray. All I do is cry. However, those are the days where I’ve learned and still learning that’s when the prayers need to be a little more aggressive. I’m sure the Lord is tired of me to some extent and, if not... well Amen. *giggles * 

Anyway, Bloomers, that’s my update on how I’m becoming closer. Super proud of me & that’s most important. If you are on the same journey or trying to begin let me know. Nothing to be ashamed of. At the end of the day, you don’t have to be alone. Have a GREAT day!!

- Selah