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Season of Shift & Healing


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

Season of Shift & Healing


Bloomer. Happy New Year. We’ve made it. We survived it. Thank God for that. I think if 2021 continued an extra month, I would've just lost it. However, it didn’t YAYYY!! I am happy to see you’ve returned home” (What do you mean by this, returned home). Let’s get comfy and into this blog post. I have so much to say, but I promise I will try my best not to rumble (too long).

In this past year (2021), I had to accept that everything happens for a reason. We come into this world alone and we will die in this world alone – sorry to say that, but it is the truth. Everything that has happened to me personally or to others around me, was a lesson, or lack of a better phrase, an “eye-opener”. Now the undeveloped me would just bitch, but the ongoing transformation of me is recognizing and accepting it. With the popular question, “What is this trying to teach me?” I’ve learned that all I need is God and his grace. Once He is by my side, I am good. No, I am not perfect, but He has shown me that He sees me, and He sees my heart. 

Whether people notice or not; I had to be broken, stripped of ALL my pride, had to fall (nice & hard) and I needed to get hurt/disappointed. I needed the whole process. Why? Simply because not only was I putting myself last and holding back, but ultimately, I was not including God in the things that mattered most. Instead, I was putting everyone and everything before me and even God. Things that should come secondary were coming first. BIG MISTAKE ON MY PART…but I’m only human, I will mess up. However, in the midst of it all, I am still thankful, grateful and most importantly, I am humble. If it wasn’t for the lessons and frustrations, I wouldn’t be as close to Him as I am today. I still have some work to do, but everything is a process. Hence why I started “Feeding My Spirit”. Sometimes I think He allows things to happen just to see what I’m going to do. Talk about annoying! *Giggles

Bloomers, pray for me, ya girl is tired. I was exposed to things. Things that made me realize my intuition was correct. Honestly, sometimes I wish it was just “ignorant bliss”. I had to learn that as I matured and elevated, it sucks to say but, people had to be left behind. Despite me not wanting to let go of friendships or certain bonds, I had to in the end. I just want to be happy. Sometimes the “flesh” takes a greater hold on me, and I tend to hold grudges longer than I should but don’t worry, I can admit to my fault and happily say I am learning to release & forgive (slowly). I believe there are 2 sides to every person – I am still Odette as a whole (for those who don’t know that is my name).

Me, Myself & I. The ability to support, love or simply be there for myself.

 There is one side of me that is semi-stuck in the past. But wants out. She is also scared and doesn’t want to leave her comfort. She knows the potential she has but doesn’t know what to do with it, so she hides it. (Detty). Some days she breaks down, feels alone, tired, etc. Then there is that side that is welcoming to the change and the excitement and the thrill of it all. She’s ready to use the lessons learned from the past year to conquer valleys and mountains that come her way. She wants all her potential to show and use every opportunity she has. (Azalea). Very much carefree, peachy, goofy, etc. One thing they have in common; they are ME. My toughest battle is continuing the path of taking the high road and not reacting to certain things. Especially when it’s done intentionally for a reaction (sometimes I wear my emotions on my sleeve but believe it or not I hide a lot of it). 

I am not perfect, nor do I pretend to be, but I try to be as real as possible. What you see is what you get. The energy/vibe you receive when you read my blogs or watch my vlogs is the reality. I am still trying to get my life together and I am not ashamed to say it. This life did not come with rules except the ones in the Bible but y’all know what I mean. Like I said previously, I’m full of potential & my family always fusses me for it but, I still hold back. I strongly believe this shift & healing is just the birth of the best version of me there is and, it’s the same for you. Whatever it is, Bloomer, that you are working on, be the best version of yourself and do not hold yourself back. This is the year to harvest it all, just as I said in my letter to you. Remember, DO NOT LET GO & DO NOT GIVE UP! 

Just as it says in Jeremiah 29:11

for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I may not be 100% sure of my plans then again, I do have plans but only God knows the blueprint… so I’m just going with the flow of things and trusting Him. I’ve made the personal decision to make room for the transformation in my life - I’m Evolving 

In the end…this is a new year, not a new chapter though, that will come 26 August *giggles. Sometimes what didn’t work out for me really worked out for me it's clear God has been protecting me all this time. Humbly apologize for the moments of doubt I’ve had. Anyway… I am tired of rambling but one last thing, I am proud of how I handled this past year. Fought my own silent battles with the help of prayer. Humbled me, wiped my own tears & hug myself.