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Dream to Reality : A Vision from The Lord


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

Dream to Reality : A Vision from The Lord


There comes a point when a dream becomes reality and reality becomes a dream
— Frances Farmer

I usually don't remember my dreams, well, let me not say that. Once upon a time, I used to, but as I became older, I stopped recognizing them. If I remember a dream, I take it as a sign, vision, or message. At first, I wasn't sure because those dreams were creepy, and some felt real. Other times they were just too good to be true. Anyway… I've realized that dreams, some of them are answered prayers. They became a "dream to reality." 

I may sound weird to some & some of you, I don't. I usually don't talk about these things because it might sound strange, but that's just a little voice in my head that ALWAYS tries to overpower me 🙄. Moving right along. I've been praying for some things…one of those is asking the good Lord to rid me of my enemies or at least open my eyes to see them. Well, He gave me a dream, and at first, I didn't understand it. I didn't know what it meant, and I was confused and slightly creeped out. 

 The Dream: 

Just imagine standing in a field, and in that field, everything around you is red. I'm talking blood red. Follow me in the spirit! Although everything is red, it is also dark. You're looking for someone or something, and there's nothing. All of a sudden, it becomes a battlefield. You feel a sense of airiness. Think of war scenes in popular HBO and Netflix shows such as Game of Thrones, Spartacus, or even Lord of the Rings. Suddenly you just see random humans getting hit with bows & arrows, bullets from guns flying across your face, swords just flying up in the air. Here's the thing…as you are walking in the midst of the chaos, you are testing the waters to see if you will get hit by the weapons flying around in the air. Not a thing is happening. The people around you are getting shot, but you aren't. As you look onto the ground, the ground is red… so you know what that means. Then BOOM, you wake up from your dream. 


I started seeing things for what they were. I find myself taking a few steps back when it comes to people, situations, etc. I've started seeing people for who they indeed are, plots they've tried to pull on me. I've noticed lately that "Caps" have been put in place to block me from my blessings! SO RUDE!! One thing I continuously give myself credit for is being able to discern. I'm able to discern if my spirit takes to someone or something. It doesn't mean I'm judging, but once I sense it… it's not long before something unfolds. Then I'm like, "welp, there it is. My spirit doesn't take to you, or there's just something about that situation I disagree with." The reality is, I'm not blind anymore. You can attempt to make an ass out of me. However, don't mind me smiling. I'm just confusing the enemy. I'm not the same person I used to be when it comes to several things. I just move with caution. My way of thinking has changed. 


No weapon nor wicked uncircumcised philistine formed against me shall prosper. The Lord has me in the palm of his hand. Like they say, "Touch not God's anointed!". This dream creeped me out, honestly. Even when I think of the dream, it puts an airy vibe on my spirit. However, this dream meant a whole lot. Mountains are trying to form against me; the wicked are trying to plot against me. People will walk out of my life; despite me wanting them to stay or before I'm able to remove their seat from my "table." jealousy is a serious thing and much more. I don't see what's to be jealous of, to be honest, but damn that seems personal. *giggles. On a serious note, I truly believe this dream meant - that everything sent to attack me won't be successful. In the most un-Christian way, "Miss me with that B.S.," but in the words of the Bible; "The Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way and will flee before you seven ways." - Deuteronomy 28:7


I don't even know what to say, honestly. The devil is busy, but I know it's for the greater good despite all of this. So I am thankful. This may sound weird, but, Bloomers, be grateful for your enemies (side note). Just know God is listening. Whatever you ask for in prayer, just know before it can happen in the natural; it happens in the spirit. Don't look at dreams as just "dreams." Sometimes those dreams are warnings, signs, or messages. Other times you just need to tap into the spirit and see what you need to see, don't look in the natural. We may think we are going "crazy," but sometimes, in actuality, you're not. You just need to listen to that voice or look for that sign. As for me, I'm sure this dream is still manifesting itself.

So, there you have it, Bloomers. Openness at its best 🙄. The funny thing is I had this dream about a month or two ago, but before that, I noticed a shift in the atmosphere when it came to different things. I didn't know what it was. I had warnings; I noticed certain things but didn't understand why. Then again, in some cases, simply giving the popular "benefit of the doubt." 

 Have a Blessed Day, Bloomers! 

P.S. This was my personal dream & experience. This does not mean what it meant for me means the same for you. Please do not connect this and make it "resonate" with you. Unless you had a similar experience.