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Climbing Mountains


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

Climbing Mountains


I know sometimes the mountain’s hard to climb. We walk by faith, and oftentimes we’re blind. “It’s working for my good,” is what they say, But I can’t see with all that’s in my way. Why bother?
— Sean C Johnson

I know you all are wondering, "Why the hell you quoting lines from a song?" don't worry, I won't be explaining what the song means or anything. Instead just using it as a reference to explain a few things. Hey Bloomers, I hope all is well &, as always keeping safe during these times of uncertainty. Thank you for always coming back here to read & also join me on my journey to self-care. I know that I always say "Thank You" for joining in on my new blog post, but I really want you Bloomers to see that I appreciate you. I really do hope you guys enjoy reading my post and that it is making a difference or impact in your life, no matter how big or small. Anyway…shall we proceed? *giggles * 

Climbing Mountains. Not literally, though, more so the way life throws different things at us and how we decide to handle the situation. Have you ever heard the saying, "He gives us mountains so we can go higher"? If not, then that is okay. It means that the Lord gives us different challenges so that: 

  1. We continue to seek him first

  2. Help us to grow with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding

  3. We continue to learn how to handle various life situations that come our way

Before I continue on… no, this isn't a "religious/spiritual" post so stop thinking that while you ahead. As I was saying.

 If you read my blog post, "It is What it is," you would have noticed I spoke about being tired and having to take a step back and breathe. Also, I mentioned that sometimes, it is not necessarily to get a reaction out of oneself when it is one thing after another. Instead, it is to test how well we can handle battles. Well, it all comes down to this right here…Climbing Mountains!! Sometimes it can be hard "climbing those mountains" or, in other words getting through rough times. Hence why I quoted lyrics from the song above because the truth is we try to have "faith" that things will work out, but every time we start to see some light, the devil just throws a whole other sinking ship! Then we begin to doubt and question things. Of course, we when think, "Why the hell did I even bother with this in the first place?"  

Bloomer, think of everything that seems negative, as a mountain you have to climb to reach the top. Almost like rock climbing. When I first did rock climbing, it was rough, not to mention I was a chunky chipmunk in those days, so if lazy was a person, it was ME! *giggles *. Still, yeah, so, as I was rock climbing, I got tired and was ready to come down without reaching the top. Still, I said to myself, "this may be my only chance to do this; let me get it over with." I kept going and going despite how tired my legs were until I got to the top. I was super excited!! Plus, I got to ring the bell in my VICTORY. Sure enough, when I looked down and saw not only how high I was but how far up I climbed, I was proud of thyself. When climbing a mountain, you will stop, take breaks, and throw tantrums because you're tired. DO NOT GIVE UP! & while you are climbing that mountain seek the Lord for guidance & strength. Many things will be thrown at you, and it may cause you to lose your course, but you must fight until you reach the top and ring that imaginary bell.

Bloomer. I say all this to say… in life, primarily focusing on your Infinite Self, there will be different mountains to climb. Some will be ridiculously outrageous, while others not so prominent. You will want to say, "eff this, it isn't worth it." but that's not the right attitude to have. Don't worry, I have moments like that too. Too often for my own good sometimes. I am slowly learning to get out of that & I would love for you to get out of that. It's a process & it's life. 

 But what would a diamond be without pressure? Will the flower’s seed bloom without a little rain?
— Sean C Johnson

We all need a little pressure, storm, or mountain. How else do you expect to learn and grow?