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My Spiritual Warfare : It's a Mental Attack


The universe you see starts with yourself. How you may view yourself impacts the way you view “your world” greatly. Search yourself. Do love/fancy the way you look. Do you hate the way react? That is okay! What is important is that you make sure you are aware of your greatest features and your biggest flaws. When you go beyond what you love or hate about yourself. You become able to focus on acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are and allowing the love to naturally form in your life. The journey to understand your infinite self begins with understanding who you are and changing for the better.

My Spiritual Warfare : It's a Mental Attack


Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour
— 1 Peter 5:8

…Well, Peter, the devil has been trying to devour me! I would love it if he stopped now because I don’t want to put him or anyone he is using against me in a chokehold. Then again, clearly, I am doing something right if the devil feels the need to devour me like he doesn’t have anything better to do. Bloomers! How art thou? I pray you are doing your best. Are you alive? Are you surviving? Did you choose violence today? If you did, it’s fine because SATAN has me wanting to pick it by default, and I refuse to let him win. Anyway…Moving on!

Spiritual Warfare. In summary, it is the attack of Satan when he wants to keep us from God’s calling. Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy anything that brings us joy and uses these as distractions to keep us away from Christ. For your knowledge, I do encourage you to do your research on it as well. Honestly, it’s a great topic, but experiencing it is NOT SO MUCH! In a previous post, I spoke about reaching my “breaking point” & how I spoke to my spiritual mother about what I’ve been feeling lately. Of course, she spoke wisdom into me and told me to remain encouraged. To say the least, a significant part of me feeling a breaking point isn’t just a breaking point but because I am experiencing warfare. I know…crazy, right! But it’s not, actually. The enemy is cunning. At the beginning of this year, I became ambitious about several things I wanted to accomplish & of course, my prayers and praises started hitting the open heavens like crazy! Sad to say, the enemy hated that and had other plans for me, such as confusion. 

It’s nothing like when the enemy knows your weaknesses and uses them against you; he knows mines. He knows what buttons to press, he knows when to use certain people to get to me, and of course, he knows when to prowl around my mind. Like everyone else, I struggle with “mini” insecurities; I’m an overthinker, and I have episodes of anxiety occasionally, amongst other things. It gets the best out of me. Sadly all it takes is one seed, and BOOM! Turmoil. Unfortunately, randomly and recently, I’ve been fighting myself a lot. Thoughts of self-doubt (including anxiousness & frustration, which led to my mental), questioning my position in life (hence me wanting to throw in the towel and hide under a rock) …no motivation, starting to doubt God, basically the whole nine yards. Because of this…my breaking point has reached beyond breaking. Luckily I’m standing strong and doing the best that I can.

Truth be told, I shouldn’t even be surprised that this is happening to me. Simply because this is what happens when you reach a new level spiritually. Amid it, I didn’t realize that this was what was happening. However, the more I meditated and tried to silence my “flesh,” the light bulb clicked. I laughed, sucked my teeth, and was like, “OHHHHKAYYYYY!!!!” Like I’ve said, since I went a little higher in my spiritual journey, that means GREATER warfare. The higher you are in God, the Higher you go in warfare. That’s why it’s so important to cover yourself in the armor of God, just as it says in Ephesians 6:10-18. Secondly, train your mind to hear what God is whispering to you, not what the enemy is shouting. 

Though this journey has been and is currently bringing me closer to God, it is rather tricky & frustrating. There are days I am doing what Mr. Timothy says and Fighting the Good Fight. Moments when I start to speak words of affirmation, listen to certain songs, and repeat certain Bible verses under my breath. Lord knows…but I will admit I need to fight harder, but when certain moments hit…paralyzed. I won’t ramble much longer, but I say this to say FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT – no matter how hard it gets or what the enemy uses against you. Whether it’s old wounds, playing with your mind, trying to send Goliath at you, or using someone dear to your heart, FIGHT! Cause at the end of the day, there is light at the end, and it wasn’t for nothing.